GHP Newsletter | February 2022


17% Exercise Books Price Increase - 01 March 2022


We regret to inform you that from 01 March 2022, we will be increasing our Exercise Books prices by 17%.                                                                                                                                      

The paper market remains extremely volatile, as raw materials, energy and transport costs continue to rise at an unprecedented rate. 


The two main components of paper production are pulp and thermal energy (gas).  In 2021 pulp prices soared by more than 25% and energy prices tripled to record levels.  Our Exercise Book manufacturer has therefore implemented a 17% increase across all their products, which we must pass on to our customers. 


Furthermore, our supplier has also informed us of an additional increase in April of at least 12%, which they are currently absorbing.  With this in mind, we be reviewing our Exercise Book prices again in the coming weeks.


£500 Trade Minimum Order Value (MOV)


Due to rising fuel prices, driver wages and carriage charges, we have made the decision to increase our Trade Price MOV to £500. 


Our current MOV has been fixed for 10 years, however this is now unsustainable in today’s market.  Your new MOV will apply to all orders received from 01 March 2022.  


Product Availability


One of our main concerns for 2022 was product availability, and we have now experienced this first-hand with our White Card range.


Our main supplier of White Card has suspended all deliveries from their mill in Indonesia to the UK.  This decision comes following unrelenting supply chain issues, in particular rocketing shipping costs making delivery to the UK unviable.  The cost of shipping a container from Indonesia to the UK has risen by 800% in the last 18 months, from $2,000 to $18,000.


We have successfully transferred our White Card requirements to one of our European-based suppliers—albeit at a higher cost—nevertheless, these ongoing price increases and paper shortages are an unfavourable sign of things to come.




This year is proving to be just as difficult as 2021, and we anticipate further rising costs, shorter price validity periods, and potential unavailability of certain product ranges in the coming months.


However, we remain committed to working closely with all our customers and suppliers to manage these challenges, ensure fair and sustainable pricing, and promote product availability.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support and understanding throughout these challenging times.